Spider Plus is proud to unveil the latest addition to its UNIC Mini Spider Crane Fleet- the URW706. The second largest UNIC Mini Spider Crane is now available for rental within the UAE. With a maximum SWL of 6Te, maximum working radius of 18.6m and a staggering 22.7m maximum lift height, whilst still being able to fit through a standard double doorway when in travel configuration.

The URW-706 combines the compactness and flexibility of a Mini Spider Crane with the lifting capacity and boom length of a much larger crane. These cranes are frequently used in steel erection and multi-level shop front glazing roles. The same model was even used atop of the Shard Tower in London to provide accurate cladding and glazing installation on top levels of the structure.
Like all of our mini spider cranes, it can be disassembled into easy to manage components if necessary, to facilitate being positioned on top of or within structures still under construction. This can be managed by site teams under guidance of Spider Plus’ technical team, or it can be wholly managed by Spider Plus to minimize risks to the client.